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“Somewhere beyond right and wrong, there is a garden. I will meet you there.” -Rumi

This quote, to me, used to be a nice concept... till one evening in Ubud, Bali. It was after a Friday evening of dance at the Yoga Barn (of Eat, Pray, Love fame) and a group of us headed out for a meal.Some were eating, some were playing music and some crazy people, like me, who couldn't get enough of dancing were doing just that to the music being played. My mind was clear and at ease.

Suddenly, the Rumi quote flashed across my mind. I had an ‘aha’ moment. “Somewhere beyond right and wrong, there is a garden. I will meet you there.” “Yes”, I realized, “there is a place beyond right and wrong -- it is where I am at this very moment”.

This was an important moment for me, because these were challenging times in my life. Times of great personal transition such that I was questioning a lot about myself, my values and priorities. I was feeling isolated, unsure and vulnerable.

I had thought that deep inner peace was possible only when my external circumstances were "pleasant"...

But with this one clear moment of ease and peace during my dance, I knew that that was not true.

Yes, challenges are a part and parcel of our experience of life. And if we are not finding that sacred space within, we are keeping ourselves from being the happiest and most fulfilled version of ourselves.

Why should you care?

Well, without that connection to our inner ease and peace, regardless of what's going on around us, we do not get to experience our true selves. What's more, nor do the important people in our lives -- our friends, our partner, our kids, our parents...Think about it: lacking inner peace changes how we make decisions. Whether we settle, or whether we shoot for what we actually want!

Today I invite you to ask yourself these two powerful questions:

"What am I doing that puts me in this space of ease and peace?” and "Am I making time to do this every day?”

If you're stuck on this, and can't think of what brings you ease and peace, or how to make it a part of your daily life, comment below or message me privately, and I'll set you up with a call to discover your peaceful place beyond right and wrong.