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The Source of Internal Turmoil, Stress etc. is when we combine actually happened (FACTS) and our interpretation (STORY) to make the Story our FIXED reality as compared to keeping the Facts and the Story separate. The only truth are the Facts - infact what happened. The rest is a Story.


With me so far?


There is no doubt that we will interpret situations and give it meaning based on our knowledge and experiences. We will feel the emotions that arise from the experience of the event / circumstances. And that is JUST FINE!

The trick lies in acknowledging the Facts for facts and the Story for being just that - a STORY. The challenge is that we end up behaving with our close people based out of the Story being the REALITY when actually the reality are the Facts. And how does that serve us?


We have been running some stories in our minds for years and decades in some cases, a sure path to dis-ease. I hear you say "so Jimmy, what do I do about it?" Well, here is what you can do. Take some time and write down what ever it is that is bothering you (about the situation). Then re-read that letter a few times so that you are able to separate the Facts from the Story. Annotate, on the letter, Facts with a capital F and the Story with S.


Once you do this and acknowledge the separation of F from S, I promise you will feel a sense of relief. And if you want to take this one step further, share what you realized with the person who is the main character in your letter!


I work as a Transformational Coach. I notice that till clients have not cleared their 'Emotional Space', achieving tangible results in various areas of life is slower than desired.


If you are serious about making a difference in areas of your life important to you - work, relationship or something else, contact me via the form on my website:


Lots of love as always!

The Source of Internal Turmoil, Stress etc. is when we combine actually happened (FACTS) and our interpretation (STORY) to make the Story our FIXED reality as compared to keeping the Facts and the Story separate. The only truth are the Facts - infact what happened. The rest is a Story.

With me so far?

There is no doubt that we will interpret situations and give it meaning based on our knowledge and experiences. We will feel the emotions that arise from the experience of the event / circumstances. And that is JUST FINE!

The trick lies in acknowledging the Facts for facts and the Story for being just that - a STORY. The challenge is that we end up behaving with our close people based out of the Story being the REALITY when actually the reality are the Facts. And how does that serve us?

We have been running some stories in our minds for years and decades in some cases, a sure path to dis-ease. I hear you say "so Jimmy, what do I do about it?" Well, here is what you can do. Take some time and write down what ever it is that is bothering you (about the situation). Then re-read that letter a few times so that you are able to separate the Facts from the Story. Annotate, on the letter, Facts with a capital F and the Story with S.

Once you do this and acknowledge the separation of F from S, I promise you will feel a sense of relief. And if you want to take this one step further, share what you realized with the person who is the main character in your letter! when we combine actually happened (FACTS) and our interpretation (STORY) to make the Story our FIXED reality as compared to keeping the Facts and the Story separate. The only truth are the Facts - infact what happened. The rest is a Story.

With me so far?

There is no doubt that we will interpret situations and give it meaning based on our knowledge and experiences. We will feel the emotions that arise from the experience of the event / circumstances. And that is JUST FINE!

The trick lies in acknowledging the Facts for facts and the Story for being just that - a STORY. The challenge is that we end up behaving with our close people based out of the Story being the REALITY when actually the reality are the Facts. And how does that serve us?

We have been running some stories in our minds for years and decades in some cases, a sure path to dis-ease. I hear you say "so Jimmy, what do I do about it?" Well, here is what you can do. Take some time and write down what ever it is that is bothering you (about the situation). Then re-read that letter a few times so that you are able to separate the Facts from the Story. Annotate, on the letter, Facts with a capital F and the Story with S.