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A wonderful message I received...

I received this message via LinkedIn some time ago from a coworker in one of the organizations I worked in many moons ago leading learning and organization development ....thought I should share :)

She said that as she was walking up to receive a professional award, she thought of me. She said that we actually did not have any one to one interaction in person. She attended a workshop I delivered and says that the experience shaped her choice of career. Her words were "the first day I saw you....I guess I got my career path from there" While I did not do any formal Coaching for her, she considered me to be her coach / mentor. And went on to say that I made a contribution to her career and professional life just in this remote manner and thanked me for inspiring and motivating her.

These were her closing words in her letter to me "today when I was awarded the 'Most Promising Professional' for quarter 1 and 2 both for the financial year, it was you I was thinking of and a day would not be called off without saying Thank You to you"

I got goose bumps as I was writing this post and felt very grateful for this message! I was double minded about this share; decide to share because many of you will be having the same effect on people! Go find out what it is and do more of that!! I am very willing to share my experiences if you want to know more and would to hear your stories or help in the discovery process!