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Honoring Intuition

Of late, for over a year now, as I lean more and more into the work I feel called to do, I often find myself in situations that make me nervous and I feel fear head-on. Beneath it all, there still seems to be a spot of light powerful enough to make me want to pull thru this. Can you relate?

Many of these "crossroads" scenarios have been catalysts for powerful shifts in my life, and in my well-being. I have had to let go of what is familiar and ultimately what is not serving me, often the same thing that's taking away from my ability to deeply serve others.

But as you probably guessed, in the middle of it all it's easy to lose perspective. In the moment, these are intimidating choices and I hit my upper limit or threshold of comfort many times. I have that instinct to keep myself safe, as we all do...

I used to dither around in a middle zone, trying to "figure it out" and find the "right" answer. I made the logical, analytically constructed choice rather than the one connected to my Core, the one connected to that Spot of Light I mentioned above - the one often called our 'gut level intuition'. This led to losing time and resources and most seriously, not being in service and not appreciating my own gifts.

Having recognized this pattern, I am now becoming more courageous at stepping into that first instinct and honoring that. I do deliberate and once I know the feeling is lingering, I act on it! There are times when reaching out to someone who knows me, and talking this through, has been helpful in crystalizing my own thoughts and feelings and then acting on them.

As a result of this, I feel that I honor myself more and find myself better focused on what I am here to create and share. This creates mind, body, spirit alignment and excitement for the present and the future. And there is that tangible benefit of reducing the loss of resources and time. I am sure that I will encounter more fear and nervousness in the future again as I chart my own path.However now I know that the fuel through it is to remain connected to my core - something I will expand on more in another such note.

If any of you are struggling with this, I invite you to reach out to me. I will be more than happy to be a resource for talking though this and causing a powerful shift for you so that you can experience the power and courage you already hold inside of you. Please, feel free, message me anytime and we'll talk.