

    Are you the person who wants to live life on purpose?


    Do you want to feel empowered to make the unique difference you see is possible?


    My name is Puneet Sachdev, and my line of work is all about creating powerful and effective people and organizations. It’s what I do, and I love it.


    I am a transformational coach, a management consultant and a Creative Philanthropist. A particular passion of mine is empowering children through education. 


    Over the years I have lived and worked as a consultant and coach in North America, Asia, Europe and Africa. This rich global experience affords me an international perspective and a global community, and contributes to the one to one coaching I do. 

    My LinkedIn Profile


    What excites me? Helping clients access their bigger, deeper selves that lie within them.


    Why? Because they actually end up having a powerful, positive impact on the world around them -- which is exactly what they desire.


    Our deep work together moves you into a clear understanding of your dreams. From there, I turn your dream into an actionable project, something actually doable that opens the door for you to experience a completely upgraded life.


    I most enjoy working with impact oriented individuals, people (like you) who have a deep desire to challenge the status quo in their personal life and in the work they are called to do.


    “Puneet has a lovely coaching style, enhanced by clearly applied preparation work to put you in mind of your objectives before starting your coaching session with him. He combines his practical experience in business management, and learning and development with a deeply intuitive approach, ensuring outcomes and action commitments in a well timed session. I would highly recommend his support as a highly authentic coach.” - Mel Harris, UK

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    I’m Puneet Sachdev and I create powerful and effective individuals and organizations.



    “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman


  • I’m Puneet Sachdev and I create powerful and effective individuals and organizations.

    I am a transformational coach, a management consultant and a Creative Philanthropist. A particular passion of mine is empowering children through education.


    Over the years I have lived and worked as a consultant and coach in North America, Asia, Europe and Africa. This rich global experience affords me an international perspective and a global community, and contributes to the one to one coaching I do.


    I have quite a creative streak too! As a creative philanthropist, I wrote and published a children’s book, which will soon be featured in the New York Times Sunday Book Review section.


    In my spare time, I enjoy theater, 5 rhythms dance, and I’ve even performed in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I am also a keen golfer and play on the competitive side!


    I value time spent in quiet reflection through a daily sitting practice of mindfulness and by spending periods of time by myself. I addition to other practices, I find reflection time important to stay connected to purpose and to remain on the path of building from the inside out.


    If you’re here, I’m looking forward to meeting you. Please, feel free to reach out.

  • One to One Coaching


    As a GameChanger Coach, I am passionate about my clients being powerful people in every area of their lives. I work with people like you to powerfully elevate you deeper into your brilliance, your magnificence.


    Together we will uncover where a breakthrough in one area will lead to the most exponential results.


    I’m committed to coaching my clients using everything I’ve got. I go all-in, bringing everything I’ve learned from 15 years in organizational development, coaching, and consulting around the globe to get you clear, discover your most aligned self, and navigate the path that will lead you to your achieving your dreams and desires.


    Together, we create a life of success that is aligned with your highest values and purpose in life.


    But, you have to be willing to push past the limits of what you think you are capable of.


    You must be willing to experiment, and to look deeply within yourself and believe that you are a powerful creator of your own reality.


    Are you ready for that? Yes?


    (Remember, with any big choice in life it is perfectly normal to feel some nervousness too!)


    If you’re ready to create a bigger and bolder version of yourself, and let go of all the other stuff holding you back, you’re in the right place.


    Apply here


    Do it for you.


    P.S. My clients find themselves quickly feeling more grounded and centered than ever before, and tenacious when it comes to what they truly care about. If that’s something you want, apply today and if we’re aligned, I’ll set you up with a free 1-hour Discovery Call.



  • game changer Coaching

    Game Changer Coaching is a one-on-one coaching solution that will rapidly accelerate your success -- whatever that success means to you.


    First, our deep work together moves you into a clear understanding of your dreams. From there, I turn your dream into an actionable project, something actually doable that opens the door for you to experience a completely upgraded life.


    During the course of our working relationship, no matter the duration, as we continue to work on the tangible results you want to manifest, I will also show you how to have a daily centering practice to create space for clear thought, clear actions and feeling balanced.


    After all, the greater the complexity you are navigating outside, the greater the need for clarity within yourself.


    Together we will create a lifestyle with rituals that light up your life from the inside out, so that you become more impactful and productive, in a sustainable way that actually feels good!


    We will dive into how you are using your time, unearth habits and behaviors that are no longer serving you towards your goals.


    Last, we’ll create support structures for your journey. I speak to the highest part of my clients that knows what my clients are capable of, and through this, I create amazing breakthroughs that leave people empowered for years to come.


    "I'd like to thank Puneet for his guidance through a transitional time in my career. His knowledge in personal development combined with his ability to coach me through the change has been invaluable. Puneet has a professional and refreshing approach and I have complete trust in his process." - Craig Godfrey, UK


    I am constantly working on my inner world to add greater depth and width to my life, for the deeper I go, the deeper I can take my clients too. Depth adds grounding and resilience, both of which you will find as valuable allies on a journey that you have not charted before.


    In this collaboration, you will find yourself feeling

    • on purpose and great sense of hope
    • empowered to make the difference you want to
    • greater fulfillment overall
    • grounded and centered
    • greater tenacity

    I have a global network, and where appropriate to work we are doing, I will make any necessary connections that will accelerate the results and impact you want to achieve.


    I do my in-depth, transformative coaching with a very limited number of clients at a time. If you are interested in working with me, please complete This Form to help me assess if we will be a good fit; if yes, I will get back to you and set up a ‘Discovery Call’.


    Apply Here


    In the future, I intend to build an international community of GameChangers made up of past and present clients (maybe some ‘others’ too). This will be an impactful peer-to-peer network that will support each other in the transformational work they are each doing.

  • Women's group dreamactivator program

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    What is your happiness and self-expression worth?

    I believe happiness and self-expression are our birthrights. Through my coaching, I support women who have the desire to express their uniqueness in the fullest way possible. I believe in the incredible power of the feminine and I love helping women step into deeper connection, authenticity, and intuition, and create communities for women to thrive in.

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    Who is this program for?

    It is for married women (with or without kids) who have big dreams, but have put their dreams and desires on the 'back burner of life' in service of their families. If you or someone you know feels a spark of a dream inside you and you're ready to take action and fully participate in the creation of your future in all areas of life, this program is for you!


    Each program will consist of three women who are perfectly matched to each other, a mini-community that will support you each step of the way.

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     What we cover on this journey

    • Connecting with your aspirations, your dreams in such a way that you leave fully able to articulated your own unique, meaningful purpose

    • Developing a stillness practice to remain connected to your truth and stay grounded during this process of creation; connect to your creative energy

    • Establishing a compelling vision in your most important areas of life

    • Letting go of old paradigms and behaviors that are not serving you to create space for your dreams to burst forth

    • Creating new empowering beliefs and habits

    • Learning a powerful communication model that literally lets you create the world you want to see around you

    • Developing a personalized ‘success’ model, including a time management system and a support GRID


    You will be strongly supported by me and members of your group through any challenges that arise. I hold a safe container for openness and sharing; it is within this space that breakthroughs take place.


    Ultimately, my intention for you is you becoming confident, embodied, abundant and feeling truly alive! You'll walk away from this program 100% connected to your inner beauty. You'll have reached a new level of awareness and success, in many areas of your life, and you will find yourself easily able to make empowered choices that support you in reshaping your future.


    You'll experience all of this with ease and grace, feeling balanced with a newfound capacity to create your dreams without the cost of any family duties.

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    Audience: married women (with or without kids)

    Duration: 4 months

    Rhythm: 3 times a months, between 60-90mins per call

    Number of women per group: 3

    Investment: $1000 per person paid upfront (payment plans available)

    Starting Date: 5 June 2016


    Please get in touch with me at scottysachdev@gmail.com to be considered for joining this intensive program. I look forward to hearing from you!



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    About Me

    As a trained coach I guide people towards their full potential: living life as powerful, loving, and fulfilled human beings. 


    My role is to facilitate each of my clients in getting in touch with their biggest visions. Together, we create a step-by-step plan that is aligned with my clients' highest values. I help my clients get clear on limiting patterns and how to re-create their story, and ultimately, life itself.



  • Reach Out

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    +1 415 690 6783

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    Newsletter Sign-Up

  • What are clients saying.....

    Mel Harris, UK

    “Puneet has a lovely coaching style, enhanced by clearly applied preparation work to put you in mind of your objectives before starting your coaching session with him.  He combines his practical experience in business management, and learning and development with a deeply intuitive approach, ensuring outcomes and action commitments in a well timed session.  I would highly recommend his support as a highly authentic coach.”

    Troy Cohen, USA

    "Puneet is an incredible coach. His sessions helped me to gain clarity on where my passions lie, and how I can bring those passions to the world in meaningful ways. Puneet was very friendly, patient, and present during our sessions. He helped guide me to come to my own conclusions, giving me ownership over the process. I've made many positive, empowering changes in my life and career path in a short period of time due largely to the insights I gained during our sessions. If you're looking for some clarity in your life, I highly recommend Puneet as a effective results oriented coach"

    Craig Godfrey, UK

    "I'd like to thank Puneet for his guidance through a transitional time in my career.  His knowledge in personal development combined with his ability to coach me through the change has been invaluable.  Puneet has a professional and refreshing approach and I have complete trust in his process."